Public Training

Systems Mapping Workshop

The participants will learn the fundamental structures, methods, and tools of systems thinking. These skills can be used to analyze complex problems in daily life and in the workplace with the leverage points.

Systems Leadership Workshop

The participants will acquire the skills of engaging stakeholders and analyzing their mental models. Through the practice, communication will be effective and informative.

Business Impact Workshop

With systems thinking, Omplexity helps early-stage businesses identify the strategic resources and depict their interconnections.

Omplexity 系統變革顧問的組織培訓分為課程講授及實作練習兩大部分,團隊將帶領學員探討核心議題,以系統思考工具輔助,學習分析技巧、訪談演練與策略規劃,產出具有快速執行力的方案,實現組織轉型或組織變革的目標。

1-On-1 Coaching

Based on personal or project needs, Omplexity will design customized coaching modules to guide and advise the participants one-on-one.